ITI E-Commerce 


ITI Replicating Website


This is the very first step you must take to join our E-Commerce opportunity. If you don't already have your own website, go to and fill out the information you are prompted to enter in the forms. Wait 24-48 hours for your website to become active.

Note: When selecting your "USERNAME", be aware that this will be the extension which is used to name your personal website, so you might want to give it some thought. ie:  Keep to to 6 letters maximum.

Notes about your ITI replicating website.

1. This ITI website is your portal, or entry point, into your E-Commerce shopping mall. When someone comes into your ITI website and clicks on the shopping mall, they become "tagged" with your identification and all purchases they make will be credited to you.

2. This ITI website also contains ALL the business information for sharing the home-business, network marketing opportunity with your prospect. This part of your ITI website is also coded with your information. For example, if they pull up the Rep Application Form, it will have your name and ID# already imbedded in the form.

3.  There is a text area for personal information about YOU.  You can enter straight text, or you can have your Rep Area Customized.  Click Here for info.

Limitation: There are two important points to consider:
Because your ITI replicating website address is an extension of the corporate site (identified by the address ending in ".iti"), it
cannot be listed with the Internet Search Engines. They only list ".com" addresses in their search engines. If you want to be listed in the Internet Search Engines, you must first have a ".com" address, a personal Domain Name.  

Then, the way search engines identify and FIND a website to list is by an "internal tag" called "metatag". These are KEYWORDS, TITLES and DESCRIPTIONS which identify your website and identify the content and purpose of your website. 

A search engine is a sophisticated "internet yellow pages", and the primary method people use for finding anything on the Internet. Our ITI replicating websites have NO metatags. 
More notes on Search Engines Here.

RESULT: We cannot be listed by Internet Search Engines nor could we even be Identified or "found" by Internet Search Engines. 

MEANING: We cannot market our ITI Replicating Website via the primary method by which people would find us online. All our marketing would have to be word of mouth or direct contact. NOT A GOOD THING!  The replicating website URL address is also long, cumbersome, un-memorable and not good for word-of-mouth or printed advertising!!

SOLUTION...Get a personal Domain Name  Click here for HOW!