ITI E-Commerce 


Search Engines

 Search engines are one of the primary ways that Internet users find web sites. That's why a web site with a good search engine listing may see a dramatic increase in traffic. Posting by hand gives you the best chance of being indexed by the search engines.

A sub-domain, which is what our ITI replicating webpage is, cannot be posted with search engines.  If you try to post it, the submission will be rejected for indexing with ALL search engines.  

A Domain name which is forwarded (which is what we do when we register a domain name and have if open our replicating website) will also be rejected by search engines and will NOT be listed with ANY search engines, so make sure that your Domain name is either registered with or transferred to them from the FRONT of your replicating website, as they have fixed this problem for ITI reps.

Great Reference site!

Posting your DOMAIN to the Search Engines

If you have registered your domain name with from your own ITI replicating webpage, they have created just for ITI reps a posting page which links you directly to each search engine to post by hand.  Post

Posting by hand gives you the best chance of being indexed by the search engines.  Each of the search engines is very specific about how often you can submit your site, so use this log to keep track of your posting activity.   LOG 

If you haven't registered your domain through ITI, don't bother trying to list your website with the search engines.  There is a meta-refresh command which blocks your submission.  If you already have a domain name, you can transfer it to DotAnything so that it will be available to submit for listing with the search engines. is a "pay for click" search engine. Check it out.
   For the more advanced user, this can be a good method of getting indexed.


If you post too often, the search engine will ban you for LIFE!...DON'T.

You should change those around when you repost. Make it fresh, even if you just change the order of your keywords. If you have more than one domain name, make the metatag information match the domain and post each one separately with the search engines. This increases your chance of exposure!

This is a primary resource for marketing your site...keep it current.  Use your logs.

Some notes:
Because your ITI replicating website address is an extension of the corporate site (identified by the address ending in ".iti"), it cannot be listed with the Internet Search Engines. They only list ".com" addresses in their search engines. If you want to be listed in the Internet Search Engines, you must first have a ".com" address. Then, the way search engines identify and FIND a website to list is by an "internal tag" called "metatag". These are KEYWORDS, TITLES and DESCRIPTIONS which identify your website and identify the content and purpose of your website. It's a sophisticated "internet yellow pages", and the primary method people use for finding anything on the Internet. Our ITI replicating websites have NO metatags.
RESULT: We cannot be listed by Internet Search Engines nor could we even be Identified or "found" by Internet Search Engines. MEANING: We cannot market our ITI Replicating Website via primary method by which people would find us. All our marketing would have to be word of mouth or direct contact. NOT A GOOD THING!  The replicating website URL address is also long, cumbersome, un-memorable and not good for word-of-mouth or printed advertising!!

So, REGISTER that DOMAIN!!  When you select STEALTH forwarding, you get the forms necessary to be indexed by the search engines...FREE!