ITI E-Commerce 


Customize your ITI Replicating Webpage

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Our ITI Replicating Website is another tool for building our business.  It allows us to enter the E-Commerce Market and invite our prospects to join in the powerful "gold rush" of our century.

However, as it stand now, our website is not INTERACTIVE, and there is no way for us to track the traffic which comes into our site.  We have a counter, so we know the number of "hits" our site might receive, but that information can't help us refine our marketing or provide us with any opportunity for follow-up.  We don't know who came to our site, we don't know if they came back more than once, we don't know if they stayed on our front page or went into our mall or our business center.  We don't know if they did anything but "land" on our front page and click out again.

What we want is a mechanism of "capture".  This means we DO know something about our visitor and we CAN re-contact them.

First, we want the page to be visually inviting enough that they stay a moment. 
Some simple HTML additions will give you color spacing and aesthetics which will add to your professional image.

Secondly, we want them to identify themselves to us so that we might send them continuing information about our business opportunity and how it will benefit them to own their OWN mall.

How do we accomplish this?

1.  Change the text to a more eye-appealing font and color.

2.  Place a Newsletter and Auto Responder on the front page of our website for "capturing" the email address of our visitor.

With these moderate changes, you transform a flat space into an INTERACTIVE space where you have the chance of "capture".  This will transform your visitor into a PROSPECT!!

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