ITI E-Commerce 


Domain Name versus ITI Replicating Sub-domain

This is the name you type into a browser to pull up a particular website.  This is the first page or the primary page of a given website.  For example, is a domain name, but http://www.itilink.drjoy.iti is a SUB-domain. 

A Domain Name is the unique and personal business name which a person will list on their business cards, on their answering machines, use in print and media advertising, etc.  This Domain Name identifies you.  It becomes much like a LOGO or BRAND which people begin to recognize and associate with you and your products.

Your ITI replicationg website address is an example of a SUB-DOMAIN.  My replicating SUB-DOMAIN, for example,  address is  What an address like this tells the consumer/prospect, is that my website is simply one of hundreds or thousands of similar websites.  There is nothing unique, branding or identifiable which will lock us within the memory of  our prospect.  It's too long and cumbersome and anonymous for them to pass on, share or even remember themselves.  This is NOT an internet address you'd want to use for marketing your business.  You don't want to use your ITI replicating SUB-DOMAIN address on business cards or in your marketing or advertising!!!
For $19.95 a year, you can create your own identity with a personal
DOMAIN NAME and mark yourself as a professional in the eyes of your prospect/customer.  Go to the front of your replicating webpage to register your domain.

When your prospects see a Domain name, they won't know what the ITI Corporate website address is, and will remain on your personal ITI replicating page. With your "extended" ITI replicating website subdomain,  (, someone could strip out your identifying information and go directly to the corporate website. You would lose your prospect. 
Frame-Forwarding with keeps all your prospecting activity safe and connected to YOU!  Free with registration!

Most companies that will register a domain name for you, will also offer to "frame-forward" to your ITI replicating website. 
HOWEVER, the process with normal forwarding provided by other companies, creates another problem for us. 
1. You have no ability to place "Metatag" information which the search engines "read" before indexing your site with the search engines. 
2. The forwarding process itself is recognized by search engines and "kicks" you out of any listing possibility anyway. Search Engines will not list normally "forwarded" domain names.

When we first began using the Internet, I was very excited because I'd been using ecommerce for several years and knew the power available to us in building our ITI business online.  However, I also knew that you could NOT register a SUB-DOMAIN with the search engines.  There is an embedded "tag" which identifies it as a sub-domain and it is kicked out!!
However, Chris Toughill, owner of is a friend of mine who I contacted with our problem of losing search engine indexing when we forwarded a domain name to our ITI replicating website.  Dotanything has fixed this problem and now offers domain registration and frame-forwarding through ITI.  Most ITI reps don't understand or know this, so please pass the word along.  If they register a domain name with any other company and try to list that domain with the search engines, they
WILL NOT be accepted for indexing by the search engine spidering process.  For more details look here