ITI E-Commerce 


Signature Files


An often overlooked means of promoting your Web site, service, or products is your e-mail signature file. Everytime you send an e-mail message to a friend, colleague, newsgroup, mailing list, etc. you have the opportunity to convey a marketing message and attract a new vistor to your Web site.

Sig File Contents

Many e-mail programs provide hot links to email addresses and URL's. To take advantage of these features enclose them between lesser than and greater than signs. For example, type your e-mail address as <> and your entire URL as <>.

There are many approaches to Signature files. One way is to categorize them according to purpose.

E-Mail User

An e-mail user is usually concerned with providing a return e-mail address. It is very common to see the use of a favorite quote incorporated into their signature file. An example may be:

Jane Doe                    <>
"You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to 
find it for himself."  -- Galileo Galilei

Business User -- Non Promotional

A typical business user may take a "business card" approach.

Jane Doe, B.S., M.S.
Director of Sales, Software Is Us
Tel:  888-123-4567 -- Fax: 222-987-6543

Business User - Promotional

The key elements of a promotional signature include the use of a marketing message and a call to action.

Jane Doe, Director of Sales   <>
Tel:  888-123-4567 -- Fax: 222-987-6543
*** Download Software Plus for a 30 Day FREE trial ***

Signature File Formatting

Netiquette dictates that a signature file should be between 4-6 lines. Due to the differences in e-mail programs, design your signature file to be 60-68 characters wide. Use a non-proportional font such as courier 10 point. It is OK to use spaces but not tabs. After you create your e-mail signature, send yourself an e-mail message to check that the lines do not wrap.

Each e-mail program has a different twist on incorporating a signature file. Directions for Eudora, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Mail follow.


The freeware version of Eudora Lite allows for the easy creation of a signature file. Eudora Pro allows for an alternate signature file.

  1. From the Eudora menu bar, choose Tools / Signature.
  2. Select New. Type in a name for the signature file, e.g. sigfile, and click OK.
  3. Type your signature file in the text window. Remember to limit the width to 60-68 characters.
  4. When finished, close the text window.
  5. When prompted, select Yes to save your signature file.
  6. Eudora automatically attaches your signature file to each outgoing e-mail message.

Internet Explorer

You can create your signature in Internet Explorer or attach a previously created signature file.

  1. Select Mail / Options from the menu bar.
  2. Choose the Signature tab.
  3. Unselect No Signature. You may choose to add text for a signature or to point to a previously created signature file.
  4. Select Text if you want to type your signature in the text entry box.
  5. Select File and indicate the location of your signature file. Use the browse button to search for the file.
  6. Check the radio button if you want your signature to be sent with all outgoing email messages.
  7. Check the radio button f you want to add your signature to all replies and forwards.
  8. Click OK for your changes to take effect.

Netscape Navigator

Netscape Mail lets you incorporate an existing signature file.

  1. Use Notepad or your word processor to create a signature file. Save it with a name that you will remember.
  2. Launch Netscape Mail.
  3. Select Preferences / Identity from the menu bar.
  4. On the Signature file line, type the path and name for the file or use the Browse button.
  5. Your signature will be attached to each outgoing message.

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