ITI E-Commerce 


Websites for Online Promotion
Dream Book is a free, reliable guest book for visitors to leave comments on your site.
Good ideas for your web site. A place to really expand your thinking.
This website is a search engine for Internet Mailing lists. Type in the keywords of the lists you're looking for and follow the instructions for subscribing.
For a list of Newsgroups that are most likely to attract your target market, visit this search engine for Internet Newsgroups. Once again, use a keyword search method to find appropriate newsgroups.
For a list of Web Sites with interactive message boards visit use the same keyword search method.
EntreWorld has lots of resources for entrepreneurs.
Jim World will show you good web site design, promotion tips and resources from a Pro.
The small business survival committee.
The small corporate offering registration network.
Web Traffic Digest gives you techniques, tools and tips for promoting your web site on a small budget.