ITI E-Commerce 


Newsletters, Ezines, Op-In Lists, Web-Rings


There are several ways to utilize email lists.

1) Create your own newsletter. This allows you to provide a service to your customer base and build a database of prospects. It also allows you to do ad swapping with other email lists.  More info here.

2) Find email lists which accept paid advertising and place your ad.

3) Write article for submission in other email lists.

4) Join topic appropriate lists. Engage in the information exchange. You have your signature line on all your email, so it is a passive method of promoting your business.

Echelon Newsletter Exchange
This is a newsletter exchange and they have a collection of newsletters and extra info on how to use newsletters in your business.

E-Zine Ad Source

A comprehensive directory of advertiser friendly ezines.

This is the place to announce your newly planned, newly issued or revised e-journal or e-newsletter.

Email Discussion Groups and Lists - Resources


A Web-Ring links sites with similar interests

These can be good for exposure.  It's all about bring more people to your website.  Take some time to get your site listed in rings which are appropriate to our Mall or our Business Opportunity.  The following site lists 1000's of such rings!  
Find one to match your website content.